Author: Lenae Haugen
I truly believe that dressing should be about how you feel in what you wear and the story that led you there. Each day as I dress, there is an awareness of how pieces layer together, and sometimes they bring memories of where I was in my life when I purchased them.
Today is no different. I am looking through my jewelry collection and pull out a large cut bone eagle necklace and place it around my neck. Memories flood over me and I feel a little bit of strength build in me to carry out my day.
In recent months, my life has seemed to lose direction. Everyday activities, juggling three children and a business has drained some of the “drive” that I felt in my younger days. Then came the eagle.
As I saw his face staring at me from the massive jewelry display by my friend Cheryl Dufault, I knew that he must be mine. This symbol was dear to my father when I was a young girl, and I was taken back to a time when I seemed so little and they loomed overhead in his office, large and ominous. This day, when I held my new treasure, I knew it would become some kind of talisman for me. A talisman can be a powerful tool to remind us of where we came from and where we are going.
For centuries the eagle has symbolized strength. The eagle flies free as the ruler of the skies. His flight is swift as he glides in the sky, high above mortal man. As this majestic bird drifts on airstreams, he seems to be still, exerting little effort as he lets the wind carry him to new heights. We can look at this and let it teach us to save our energy. As busy people, we get caught up in the everyday stresses letting them weigh us down instead of looking the larger picture, keeping an EAGLE EYE on the life that we want to live. We must learn to save our energy for the things that fit in our highest calling. As the eagle is pursuing something worthwhile, his flight is fast and furious, teaching us that there is a time to be swift and focused to receive maximum results. There is a time for everything. A time to coast and a time to descend, and it is up to us to discern the times.
The eagle is a visionary, and in Native American cultures, they have represented independence, vision, and strength. Spotting its prey from a distance, this magnificent animal channels all its energy into accomplishing its goal. Today I am embracing this as I am going deeper into my quest to bring the dreams I have into reality. There is a grace achieved through knowledge and hard work as we fly high above bridging a gap between heaven and earth.
This is an invitation for all of you reading today to channel the strength of the eagle. No matter what you are going through, know that there is always a new day. Embrace your dreams and dare greatly to FLY HIGH!