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Sunstone Feature

The Magic Hour

Author: Lenae Haugen


As the sun starts to fade and the moon rises in the horizon, there is a magical hour where the light drenches the earth and everything seems to be dusted with fairy dust. My rose colored glasses add an extra touch of something otherworldly. This is the moment of enchantment. The chance that the lives we live become the lives we long for.

Our sun and moonstone stacks channel this sense of light and movement, and how the sun and the moon learn to live together in harmony, if only for a moment. Luminous and filled with fire, these stones remind us that we are filled with light,and meant to live in the light. It is our chance to live in peace.

Today, take a deep breath and truly connect with others around you. There is a humbleness living in harmony with others that shine so bright, but this never undermines your greatness. Know that the sun and the moon both have beauty and are meant for a time and a season. You are the light dear one.

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